Welcome to my Blog for Cooks, Recipe Hunters, and Annie Fans!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
365 days, 365 recipes
Starting August 1, 2009, for 365 days (1 full year) I am going to be creating and cooking a new recipe for each and every day. That means each day I will make a recipe, cook it, photo it, and post it on a blog. This blog will display pictures, the recipes, struggles I faced, tricks I learn, and information about products I used. When the year is finished, I plan to create a cookbook of the recipes I have made, the incredible with the barely edible, and be satisfied that I accomplished such a challenging culinary adventure.
Thus far I have been working on setting myself up. I have emailed a number of food suppliers hoping to get a bit of help ingredient-wise, and have been pawing through numerous cookbook coming up with new and interesting ideas, as well as twists on some classics. The more I talk about this project, the more excited I get. I can't wait for Aug. 1 to come!
I am also in need of a name for this project, and have thought of a few good ones, 'A culinary journey: 365 days. 365 recipes,' 'A food affair,' but nothing seems to take the cake, ha! let me know if you think of a good one. also, i joined foodbuzz.com and twitter and will try to keep those somewhat informed, but really this website is your closest thread to the action in the kitchen...
until then...bake on, and ill keep you posted on my status.
Friday, June 5, 2009
365 ideas...1 perfect ball...
Ideas come in balls ive decided...and they roll and roll and roll around, and the more they roll the bigger they get, and the more they bounce, the more they pick up bits and pieces of things...sometimes good, sometimes bad. Today, i found an incredible ball...
365 days of recipes...its so obvious and so perfect. I have been craving a project that pushes me hard and forces me to focus and commit, and this is more than what i was looking for...
Here is my plan...starting in august (i need a bit of time to prepare) I am going to every single day for 365 days (1 year) create and cook a recipe and post it on a blog (most likely this one) for the world to take. some will be amazing, some will be not so amazing, but there will be one every day. It may be made from foods I find in an airport, or out camping, or all i have left in the fridge after being caught in the house sick all week. it may be made from a whole day of focusing on it, or 20 minutes during a lunch break, but I believe this project is going to both challenge me and create something beautiful that I can share. I am so excited I want it to start right now!
help me think of a name for this project, and help spread the word, because I am serious...I have found my ultimate ball...