Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Julie/Julia Story

Ever since I began this blog and I explain my mission statement to people, at least half the time I am compared to the movie Julie/Julia. I roll my eyes at the question, ‘so have you seen that Julie movie?’ and fight, ‘no I haven’t, and my tale is VERY different than hers! Here is why…’ and I almost reached the point of not seeing the movie out of stubbornness. I don’t like being compared to things, I think, because it makes me feel not so special, but I need to change the way I think about that. I need to stop caring so much what other people think, and just enjoy the things I enjoy for the simple sake that I enjoy them. I also need to stop fighting the battle of being compared to the movie Julie/Julia. The reason people compare me is because I am doing a cooking blog with a year deadline, and yes, those things are the same. Its ok to be compared to something in pop culture, and actually, the more I type the word compare, the more I see its not that I am being compared to the movie necessarily, but just people think of the movie and mention it as something to say or something I might like in case I haven’t heard of it. I need to learn to nod my head, and just say, ‘no, but I have heard of it…very interesting tale she tells.’
Well, as of last night, I saw the movie Julie/Julia, and although I have both positive and negative feelings for it, I remind myself that it is just a movie, and yes, my blog and life are very different than theirs. I wrote a long essay I was going to post comparing myself to the movie, the positives and negatives, but then I realized, its ok. That doesn’t need to be discussed. It is what it is, I am who I am, and that is freaking awesome.
The movie did influence the idea I had to do this project. It helped me hone in on the specific idea, and for that I am grateful to the movie. The real influence though, besides my love of cooking and sharing, was Paleo, the musician (his website is below). For one year, everyday, he wrote and recorded a new song and posted them for free on his website. Incredible, yes? Yes. THAT is who inspired me… Music was his art, and food is mine. I wanted to share my art with the world.
Projects like this are hard. Lots of people try and start them, taking a picture every day, even simple things like running once a week, and so much of the time they, and myself, let these things fall by the wayside. I am sticking to my project and I am going to rock the house with it. I love when friends write me or call and tell me they made something I posted. It melts my heart, and even if this project becomes nothing more than that, I feel success. THEY inspire me and keep me going. Until then, eat, eat, eat, and look forward to come crazy things I have cooking up…!

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